At Lam Custom Furniture, we believe that no place bears more fond memories & creates wistful longing quite like home.

That’s why we take pride in creating and restoring furnishings of heritage quality, beautiful craftsmanship and enduring comfort. Handmade in Texas, our workroom weaves the talents of master framers, upholsterers and seamstresses. Their decades of experience inform each skilled movement, whether it’s their accuracy of measurement, precision of placement or absolute attention to detail. 

In fact, the quality of Lam Custom Furniture first appears in a less apparent place: the frame and inner components of each bespoke piece. Premium materials are sourced and selected for skillful fabrication. These include but are not limited to:  kiln dried hardwood, heavy-gauge steel coil springs, high resiliency foams and white goose down feather.

With these materials in hand as well as your textiles and trims, our craftsmen approach each step of bench-made construction with care, starting with templates and moving onward to frame cutting & carving.  Next we consider the appropriate spring construction for your project and proceed with hand-tying.   With the foundation completed, we transition to padding application, cushioning, and upholstering.  Per your specifications, fabric and trim application as well as pattern placement, are expertly executed.

Re-purposing existing furniture is another service that our workroom provides.  We specialize in restyling and reupholstering existing pieces.  Whether it’s giving new life to antiques or simply refreshing timeworn furnishings, you can rest assured that the same artisans that create your custom pieces will utilize the same care in deconstructing and rebuilding your heirloom furniture.

The culmination of thoughtful planning, increased communication, and skillful workmanship leave us with distinctive pieces intended to last from generation to generation, lovingly used and treasured within your home.
